“Smart City: People, Technology & Materials”
The 3nd edition of the exhibition-event on the cities of the future
Superstudio 13 - Via Bugatti, 9 - Via Forcella,13
Milano Digital Week | Milano Design Week
March 13th – April 14th 2019
Lessmore, with its cardboard furniture, sets up the space of Ecodom Consorzio - Stories of Circular Economy
"Smart City: People, Technology & Materials" is the third edition of the exhibition-event conceived and organized by Material ConneXion® Italia, cured by the Architect Giulio Ceppi and sponsored by the Municipality of Milan, the Lombardy Region the Chamber of commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi, ANCI, Assolombarda, AISM and SIEC.
On stage in the Superstudio 13 area, in Via Bugatti 9 and Via Forcella 13,the exhibition will open to the public on March 13th, at the start of Digital Week, and will continue until April 14th, 2019, the last day of the Milano Design Week.
The exhibition aims at stimulating ideas and debates on the theme of the "Latin way to the smart city": a Smart City that is a system of relations that produces value, where technology is a tool of symbiosis and empathy.
"Smart City: People, Technology & Materials" offers opportunities for reflections on the themes of urban innovation, telematic connectivity, inclusive cities, technological solutions that improve the quality of everyday life, circular economy and new intra and long-distance mobility.
Ecodom has chosen Lessmore for eco-friendly furnishings in recyclable cardboard. Lessmore is a virtuous example of circular economy.
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