Mercato Circolare di Giacimenti Urbani
Milano | 24 November2019
c/o Cascina Cuccagna - Via Cuccagna 2/4 - Milano
h 10.00 – 20.00
Lessmore participates in the eco-market on the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction with its trees and Christmas decorations in recycled and recyclable cardboard.
Sunday 7 November will take place in Cascina Cuccagna in Milan the 7th edition of the Circular Market of Giacimenti Urbani: Christmas gifts respectful of the planet, anti-waste actions, Restart-Party, labor-saving laboratories, ecodesign products from reality ethically responsible.
The Green Market is one of the events in Milan that close the virtuous European Week for Waste Reduction (SERR 2019) with solutions and good practices for a sustainable lifestyle.
Green market exhibitors:
Casa Editrice libera e senza impegni (ecomanufatti di carta)
Collective Ju (contenitori di riplastica e fiori)
Comunicarineco (borse e zaini di upcycling design da scarti urbani)
Elvavie (borracce e filtri per l’acqua)
Filo&Fibra (declinazioni della lana di pecora italiana)
Greenevo (ecoinnovazioni)
Il Peccato Vegetale (piante autoctone)
Krill Design (lampade bioegradabili)
La Casa per la pace (laboratori di riciclo non stop)
La Terza piuma (abiti trasformati e jeans di cotone bio)
Lessmore ( alberi e decori di Natale in cartone )
Minrl (gioielli simbolici in metalli di recupero)
Naturasì (borracce e sacchetti riutilizzabli)
Pasticceria Manzi (ricette salvacibo)
Redlac (manufatti in seta di recupero)
Rilana (accessori in ri-cachemire)
Sekem (biancheria in cotone bio)
T12Lab (ecodesign da scarti preziosi)
Workshop at Cascina Cuccagna:
Restart-party di PcOfficina
L’Ecolab de La casa per la pace di Milano.
Circular Market is part of the Festival Diffuso di Giacimenti Urbani. The Green Festival of Milan which, on the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction, organizes for a month (November 5th - December 5th) exhibitions, meetings, events where to find and test actions, solutions, good practices for sustainable lifestyles.
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