and Think through Paper and Cardboard, Between Art and Design"
Museo Diocesano, Milano Corso di Porta Ticinese, 95 - Milano
(complesso dei Chiostri di Sant’Eustorgio)
12 Aprile– 29 May 2011
Opening: 11 April - 18.30
Paper and cardboard magically become art and pieces of furniture through the free interpretation of 23 famous designers, including international profile, such as Frank O.Gehry, Shigeru Ban, Nicoletta
Giovanni Rivolta, Sandra Di Giacinto, Giorgio Caporaso, Marco Giunta and more...
- Comieco -
"Live and Think through Paper and Cardboard, Between Art
and Design"
- Video: Vivere e Pensare in Carta e Cartone tra Arte e Design
- Se
la carta è sentimento, Daily
Luxury , n.06 June 2011 pag 112-117- Italy read the article »
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