Fabbrica del Vapore | Design No Brand
Reborn Ideas space
Padiglione Messina 2 | Fabbrica del Vapore | Via G.C. Procaccini 4 | Milano
April 9th - 14th 2019
"Circular economy and upcycling in design today and tomorrow"
Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 3.30 pm
Design No Brand is an exhibition of independent designers dedicated to the circular economy and organized by Milano Makers - Giacimenti Urbani - T12 Lab - Mediterranea.
Reborn Ideas exhibits Giorgio Caporaso and presents the new edition of X2Chair born from the collaboration between Lessmore and Ecoalf. The iconic X2Chair in cardboard by Lessmore is now enriched with a new coating created by Ecoalf, the Spanish company that transforms Mediterranean plastic waste into fashion accessories and fabrics.
The architect Giorgio Caporaso, a leading figure in eco-design, will be present at Design No Brand in the Reborn Ideas exhibition space. Together with Lessmore there will be Emotivi and Krill Design.
Reborn Ideas is an innovative start-up that brings together Made in Italy products inspired by upcycling, recycling and creative recovery, with excellent or innovative materials in line with new trends in the circular economy and sustainability.
PANEL DISCUSSION "Circular economy and upcycling in design today and tomorrow"
Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 3.30 pm
Representatives of eco-design and the circular economy, including Giorgio Caporaso , will discuss the role of upcycling in the design world today and tomorrow.
Donatella Pavan - Giacimenti Urbani
Francesco Cancellato - Linkiesta
Marco Moro - Edizioni Ambiente
Giorgio Caporaso - Lessmore
Ivan Calimani - Krill Design
Maurizio Mazzanti - Reborn Ideas
Moderator: Gioia Giudici - ANSA
Press Release (Reborn Ideas) | Invitation
- Lessmore & Ecoalf: l’ecodesign che piace al pianeta alla Milano Design Week. E il mare ringrazia more »
ll progetto Design NO BRAND dedicato alla Design Week - Fuori Salone 2019, vuole rispondere ai propositi dell’Agenda per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile 2030, intrecciando più tematiche in un unico processo creativo.
Design NO BRAND è una piattaforma culturale che si occupa di design contemporaneo, dove si uniscono azioni legate ai temi dell’autoproduzione, economia circolare, design inclusivo, identità plurale.
Reborn Ideas è il primo e-commerce omnicanale di prodotti 100% Made in Italy realizzati mediante upcycling, recycling e recupero creativo.
Reborn Ideas, la rinascita sostenibile. Upcycling recycling e recupero creativo info »
Ecoalf è un innovativo e virtuoso brand spagnolo che, attraverso il progetto Upcycling the Oceans, trasforma la spazzatura del Mediterraneo in filati di qualità da utilizzare per le collezioni di abbigliamento. Abiti, giacche, gonne, pantaloni, piumini borse: tutto ricavato dalla plastica, soprattutto bottiglie ma anche vecchi pneumatici, cotone e caffè, raccolti dal mare gratuitamente da 600 pescherecci.
- Lessmore & Ecoalf: l’ecodesign che piace al pianeta alla Milano Design Week. E il mare ringrazia more »
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