More and Tappo at Autoproduzione a Milano - Misiad 2012 - Milanosiautoproducedesign
Cattedrale della Fabbrica del Vapore, via
Procaccini 4 – 20154 Milano
17 - 22 April 2012
opening hours 10.00 – 20.00
Press Conference with the participation
of Stefano Boeri, Councilor of Culture, Fashion and Design
of the City of Milan
Monday 16 April at 12 noon
Inauguration: 17 April from 19.30 to 24.00
On trumpet: Raffaele Köhler
Studio Caporaso Design presents the small
table " Tappo", with internal illumination
available in cardboard, FSC-certified wood or bamboo.
During the 2012 Milan Furniture Fair, the City of Milan is
pleased to present the exhibition “Autoproduzione a Milano.
202 autori si autopresentano”, the first census of self-produced
design in Milan. The exhibition is jointly organized with the
Department of Culture of the City of Milan and Misiad (Milanosiautoproducedesign),
an association founded by Camillo Agnoletto, Laura Agnoletto,
Cesare Castelli and Alessandro Mendini which aims to promote
excellence in self-produced design and small-scale productions.
- Press-Release "Autoproduzione
a Milano"
- Invito
alla mostra "Autoproduzione a Milano"
For press folders and high resolution images send an e-mail to: