Innovation Garden and TEDxVarese
Varese 7-8-9 June 2019
Palazzo Estense
Ville Ponti Congress Center - Villa Andrea
The appointment is from 7th up to 9th June with workshops, talks, labs, evening meetings and great names. The architect Giorgio Caporaso will be curating the green location so that the ideas can spread out in a natural setting. A three days international fair to talk and discuss about innovation with workshops, labs, talks and evening meetings that will take hold in Varese from Friday 7th up to Sunday 9th June.
A worldwide event hosted downtown in Varese in locations of great historic and aesthetic impact like, among the others, Palazzo Estense and Villa Andrea (Ville Ponti Congress Center).
In addition to TEDxVarese, 2019 news is Innovation Garden (Friday and Saturday) that will be set up by Giorgio Caporaso, the varesino architect, as well as brand Lessmore artistic director.
Giorgio Caporaso has created ten green isles in harmony with the definition of Varese as “the garden city” and contaminated the other areas by way of ecodesign furnishings.
Giorgio Caporaso staging turns into a real absolutely unconventional “open work of art” as revolutionary are the ideas, the projects and the positions of those who consider innovation a lifestyle and a means of protection of the Planet. The setting that puts together seats and tables made of cardboard (that chromatically reminds the wood of the Earth) in the middle of a grass area, on which the best minds of our generations will put forth ideas and proposals, becomes the expression of an insight in which the material used becomes itself environment and helps to push the richness of the minds.
Progetto dell'allestimento a cura di Studio Caporaso
Si ringraziano:
– Lessmore – arredi e complementi ecosostenibili
– Groupama Assicurazioni (Foresio&Minari snc – Agenzia Generale Varese)
– English Language Centre (via Milano, Varese)
– Capitolo BNI Binda Varese
– Team Tagliente by Remax Karma di via Piave – Varese
– Progetto Udire Varese
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